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Kirk Smith博士主讲赛博风讲堂第25讲:WellMed:A New Model of Sinor Care

2018年06月19日 08:32  点击:[]

2018年6月14日下午3:30,赛博风讲堂第25讲在公共管理学院415会议室举行。美国WellMed North Brownsville Lead Physician Kirk Smith博士做了题为“WellMed:A New Model of Sinor Care”报告。本次讲座由中南大学王晓敏博士主持,我所以及公共管理学院、长沙市部分高校的师生参加了报告会。

Providing healthcare to an aging population, using the present model of care will bankrupt the nation. This is true of both United States and China. WellMed has developed a model of care to limit cost while also improving care for seniors. This talk described the WellMed model and explored its application to the Chinese healthcare system.


上一条:我所举行宋春艳博士后出站报告答辩会 下一条:段伟文教授主讲赛博风讲堂第24期:“数据智能时代数据主体的能动性”
